Saturday, May 29, 2010

The beekeeper

Why this picture? For ever since I was a very young child this place has always had a calming effect on me. I can remember when I would land at the ranch the first thing I would want to do is go and see this place and the last thing I would want to do when leaving was go and see this place. It would have to sustain me another nine months until school let out and I was back. When I take people out to visit the ranch this is usually the first place I show them. I can visualize the Indians on their beautiful paint horses gliding through the valley. It is an image so ingrained that I sometimes wonder if I was there. So the question is... What is your reality? Have you ever had a dream only to wake up and wonder, was that real? Have you ever been somewhere and experienced Deja-vu? Have you ever met someone and been absolutely convinced that you had met them before? If you have answered yes to any or all of the questions you are not alone and no, you are not crazy. It is simply a question of reality. So lets get meat and potatoes on this and not airy fairy and talk about your reality. Your reality is what you make it so I suggest to start off the memorial day weekend with a clear head and good thoughts. If your husband starts yelling at you because you burned the eggs, smile and lovingly hand him his plate. Don't get pulled into his anger. When your neighbor yells at you because your dog pooped on their lawn and you forgot to pick it up. Ask them if there is anything else you can do to help them out. When you accidentally cut someone off and you get the finger smile and wave back. Even if you are boiling inside, stop, breathe, count, 1,2,3,  put a smile on your face and see what happens. You will find that if you don't immediately react something will shift inside of you. You won't be so angry, so quick to jump back and lash out. You will find that many times you will pull the sour puss out of their funk. Isn't that a lot nicer? Isn't that a better way to start off your three-day weekend. Memorial day weekend has come to be know as the unofficial beginning of summer. Summer is a time of laughter, vacations, fun so have fun and don't start it off fighting. As the old saying goes, make love not war. Just think if we all paused, took a breath when someone started to go off on us maybe the world would be a little kinder, a little gentler. My mama always use to say you get more bees with honey than with vinegar so this weekend when people are rushing about and tempers start to flair just be thinking of ways to catch more bees. Be a beekeeper.

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