Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Illegal Aliens?

When you see this sign what feelings are conjured up? What kind of signs do you think the early pilgrims received? Are they even the same? Why is this such a hot topic now? Is it because the illegals are taking away all of the good jobs?Is that why our economy is in such dire straits.

Why do people get so upset and insist that everything be in English. I love it when people say "This is America and that is the language." Well actually, we do not "officially" have a language so wrongo buckaroo.Maybe if we did, it really should be Navajo or Hopi or how about Apache?

Mmm, I wonder how the various Native Americans weigh in on the language issue. Has anyone asked them? My city Spokane actually means "Children of the Sun". Isn't is beautiful? And it's so much easier and simpler than saying Children of the Sun. I guess that is the one thing the Native Americans got to do, name cities.

Why don't we learn any of the Indian languages in school? Could it be because percentage wise there are not many Native Americans? I mean aren't they the "real" Americans? What is a real American? What makes for a true American? Our constitution says if you want to become a President then you have to be born here. But if you want to be a Senator or a Governor you can be born anywhere. Case in point,  Arnold the Terminator is the Governor of California.

Would you say Arnold is a "true" American? I think many would say yes. He serves his country. He works hard. He pays taxes. But he talks funny. He seems a bit different. Of course he's different. He's a bonafide Republican married to a member of Democrat Royalty.

Are people all in a huff over the immigration issue because the fact is that the people did not come her legally. Is that the issue?

Does anyone remember when the Pilgrims came over or when hoards of immigrants came over and entered through Ellis Island? Why did they come? Was it for opportunity. To make a better life for themselves and their families? Things were not so great in their own countries. Remember the great potato famine in Ireland?  Did America turn her back? Did she welcome them with open arms like the Native Americans? Or did she throw them to the curb?

Do you think anyone leaves their family, their friends, their country for they are bored with their life and want some sort of an adventure? Do you think someone risks their life crossing a border and goes in debt to a blood sucking "coyote" for they have nothing better to do? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in a foreign country, away from loved ones completely on your own with no back up? What would you do? How would you survive?

Maybe the reason everyone is in such a huff is because our economy is in the toilet. Who did that? Are the illegals responsible for that? Seems like they are trying to be blamed for a lot. Remember what Hitler did not that long ago? Who was the problem then? Germany was not in the best of shape financially so someone had to take the blame, right?

Haven't we learned by now that we should not point fingers at people? Haven't we learned that nothing is ever gained by segregation? Haven't we learned that it is better to unite than to divide? Times are tough right now. I'm not going to sugar coat it but pinning our troubles on the illegal immigrants is not going to solve anything.

So the next time you read some article or get forwarded some e-mail about all the trouble the illegals are causing why not sit back and try to walk in their shoes for a moment. Many people have lost jobs and are unemployed and having tough times right now. If you had the option to leave your family, risk your life and put yourself in debt would you do it? Would you work hard, send money home to your family and save, save, save? Would you have trouble learning the language in Slovakia or would it come to you in a snap? 

How do you think great men like Gandhi or Martin Luther King would respond to the illegal aliens? What would Jesus do? I have a feeling their choices would be spot on. Are you responding in kind?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Off to the Airport

I'm a leaving on a jet plane but I do know when I will be back again. Yeah, shortly I will be off to the airport to get ready to embark on my trip to New York and Delaware. When I was a kid going to the airport was the most fun you could have. You always had a nice stewardess checking on you, you got pilot wings, food. Not to mention a nice pillow, a blanket, cards, I would always get a free deck of cards. Now what do I get? Grief... Now I am not a first class traveler. Yes, I fly coach along with everyone else but really how much better is it in first class? I have flown first class, on rare occasion, but you still have to go through all the hassle to get on the plane. You still have to take your shoes off, your coat, hat, whatever it is they want, you take it off. So you get food. Big deal. How good is it really? Have you ever had a meal on a plane and said to yourself? I hope I get this meal again. That was really tasty. Do you have cravings thinking of that meal like you do of your favorite entree at your favorite restaurant? I didn't think so. Magazines, okay you get better  magazines in first class so you can save your coin before hopping on the plane. Fair enough, but that is one expensive magazine you just paid for, if you get my drift. The seats are wider and there is more leg room, fair enough. That's nice, but is it really worth the extra money? I love how when I get onto the plane and I have to walk by the first class passengers how they look at you. They have their drink, their pillow, their blanket with their smug look on their face. They are someone now. They are "first class passengers." The one that really annoys me is the guy talking way too loud on his cell-phone conducting a Trump like business deal. Who knows, maybe he is talking to the Donald himself. And why does everyone have to look me up and down as if wondering whether or not to purchase me? Haven't they ever seen a person walk by them before? No. First class passengers love to watch the people walk on by. What's up with that? Do they want us to make sure we get a good look at them?  Do they feel like a celebrity? Actually, celebrities don't want to make eye contact and call attention to themselves. Only the D listers do, not REAL celebrities. So soon I will subject myself to the brutality of the first class passengers and the security people. I will have to strip down and out of my clothes. I will have to wait why they go through my purse and undoubtedly confiscate something that I should have packed with my luggage. Just for once I wish all of the security people could agree on what is acceptable. What is acceptable in LA is not in Spokane. What Philadelphia seizes is different from Baltimore. And New York, don't even get me started. The rules change daily as to what is acceptable and somehow I never get the memo. I think it is a conspiracy to jump start the economy. That's why they take all of our goods. I mean, I'm a woman I must buy another pair of tweezers. I wear contacts so I'm going to purchase solution and perfume. Well, get where I'm going with this. I must hope and pray that I make my connection so people if I am in the back of the plane and we are behind schedule and the flight attendant says will those of you not making connections stay seated for those people making connections. STAY IN YOUR DAMN SEATS!!!!! No lady, I don't want to help you get your bag out of the overhead compartment and watch your turtle down the aisle. MOVE IT!!! I know you are seeing your Grandchildren that you haven't seen in 6 months and Tammy is turning 10 but I don't care. I want to make my connection. And please whoever is sitting next to me don't talk to me about your last divorce, the person you are flying off to meet that you met on-line and you just know is the one. Why do you think I have these earphones on and there is nothing playing? Why do I have my Vanity Fair Magazine? Why do I close my eyes and pretend to sleep? SO I DON"T HAVE TO TALK TO YOU! What do I want? My favorite words on any flight. So we are on our final approach.... So after the hassle of getting to my destination I have arrived. Now what do I want?  I know that I am looking forward to my favorite Latte from my favorite coffee place in the whole wide world... Brew Ha Ha. The one in Greenville. I can only hope that my favorite Barrista will be there to make it for I have traveled a long way for that cup of joe.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oh no Al and Tipper too?

Al and Tipper Gore splitting the sheets after 40 years??? It seems to be an epidemic these days. Everywhere I turn, people are breaking up. What is going on? Why can't people stay together? What is causing all of this? That is the million dollar question. I would probably have a better chance at winning a powerball ticket than to find the answer to that question... But, I want to know. Did you just recently just break up? Are you in the honeymoon phase of the relationship, a newbie? Or are you in that grey, never never land, wondering whether or not to break up? Where are you? If you just broke up, know that the sun will come out tomorrow and in time your delicate heart will heal. If you are in the honeymoon phase know that in six months the things that you used to find charming and amusing will annoy the hell out of you. And for those if you teetering on the edge wondering what to do ask yourself a few simple questions and this way you can fall back into one of the other categories.

1  When was the last time you heard "I love you" or said "I love you."
2  Do you find ways to get out of spending time with your partner?
3  Does the sound of their voice make you want to scream?
4  Do you try to make them jealous for this is the only way you can get attention?
5  Or are you jealous for they never give you any attention?
6  Do you suspect they are cheating? If they are guarding their cell-phone with their life, not taking calls in front of you, returning calls away from you. Mmm, you do the math.
7  Money- Can you agree on anything about it?
Facebook - Now this is a good one. How many breakups is facebook responsible for? What is the subtext behind some of those posts?
9  When you are sick are they there for you or better yet do you want to wait on them hand and foot when they are?
10  Are you fantasizing way too much about being single? Or hot dates with other people?

Hot dates. That's the good news about breaking up. The bad news is that you might have a string of bad dates before the hot one but hold on you will get scorched again and I mean this in the best of ways. Word of advice when going out on a date. Don't interview. Don't fast forward ahead to see if this is someone you could be with. And don't go on about your ex. Do however enjoy the moment without any expectations. Expectations are what probably played a big part of getting you  back on the market in the first place. It's hard not to have them but those expectation potato chips get us into a lot of trouble. They fatten us with disillusion, resentments and make us bitter. So let them go and enjoy the moment. 

So back to our categories- teeter totters - get to the bottom of it. You could live a life in limbo and that is no fun. Get out of purgatory. Get out of dodge.

Honeymooners- Reality has not yet set in so enjoy. Advice for your future - don't complain about the other person, point fingers and try to change them. They were that way when you met you just chose to gloss over it. Change yourself and you will be amazed how the world will open up for you.

Fresh on the markets - It will get better. Life will improve. It has to. Right?

As for Al and Tipper, 40 years is a nice run. Not a failure but a nice successful run.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The beekeeper

Why this picture? For ever since I was a very young child this place has always had a calming effect on me. I can remember when I would land at the ranch the first thing I would want to do is go and see this place and the last thing I would want to do when leaving was go and see this place. It would have to sustain me another nine months until school let out and I was back. When I take people out to visit the ranch this is usually the first place I show them. I can visualize the Indians on their beautiful paint horses gliding through the valley. It is an image so ingrained that I sometimes wonder if I was there. So the question is... What is your reality? Have you ever had a dream only to wake up and wonder, was that real? Have you ever been somewhere and experienced Deja-vu? Have you ever met someone and been absolutely convinced that you had met them before? If you have answered yes to any or all of the questions you are not alone and no, you are not crazy. It is simply a question of reality. So lets get meat and potatoes on this and not airy fairy and talk about your reality. Your reality is what you make it so I suggest to start off the memorial day weekend with a clear head and good thoughts. If your husband starts yelling at you because you burned the eggs, smile and lovingly hand him his plate. Don't get pulled into his anger. When your neighbor yells at you because your dog pooped on their lawn and you forgot to pick it up. Ask them if there is anything else you can do to help them out. When you accidentally cut someone off and you get the finger smile and wave back. Even if you are boiling inside, stop, breathe, count, 1,2,3,  put a smile on your face and see what happens. You will find that if you don't immediately react something will shift inside of you. You won't be so angry, so quick to jump back and lash out. You will find that many times you will pull the sour puss out of their funk. Isn't that a lot nicer? Isn't that a better way to start off your three-day weekend. Memorial day weekend has come to be know as the unofficial beginning of summer. Summer is a time of laughter, vacations, fun so have fun and don't start it off fighting. As the old saying goes, make love not war. Just think if we all paused, took a breath when someone started to go off on us maybe the world would be a little kinder, a little gentler. My mama always use to say you get more bees with honey than with vinegar so this weekend when people are rushing about and tempers start to flair just be thinking of ways to catch more bees. Be a beekeeper.

Friday, May 21, 2010

What is the color of your sky?

Where's the picture? You tell me. Where's the picture? What is your picture? What color is your sky? Is is bright and sunny or dark and gloomy? Do you even know? Do you take time out to check in with yourself? To see how you are really feeling. What is really going on. Sometimes you can get so busy checking in, seeing how everyone else is doing, the boss, husband, girlfriend, son, sister, friend, dog walker that we forget to check in with ourselves. So close your eyes. Well, wait a second. I am just prepping you for you need to get your instructions first. But seriously, how many of you really closed your eyes? I am going to want you to in a minute for you are going to take 3 minutes to do a simple but informative exercise. This is your 3 minutes. And no matter what goes on in your day you had these 3 minutes. For some of you this will be a first. What are you going to do with these three minutes you ask? Feel. Yes, feel, I want you to close your eyes and just feel. FEEL? What do you mean? Feel, don't try to do anything or be anything just be quiet and listen to yourself. Some of you may like what you are feeling and some of you are going to come unglued. Whatever it is just accept it. Don't fight it. Now, after you have done this I want to add one last piece to the puzzle, an essential piece, and that is I want you to paint your own picture. See it clearly. Feel it... That's right... So what is the color of your sky? What color would you like it to be? It may be a pale blue today, empty with no clouds but that doesn't mean that tomorrow it won't be a vibrant blue with pregnant, dancing clouds all around.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Becoming a Tourist

Now it is the end of the day and Esteban and I are smiling. We just had a nice ride, the weather was beautiful and nobody got thrown off their horses so all in all life is good. Life is always good even when it is bad. This is how we must try to look at things. We really must look for the good in everything. The more we look for the good, the more good we will see. The more we look for the garbage, the more dirt and grime we will see. It is a simple formula but not such an easy one to follow. It is always easier to find fault, to find the bad, to point fingers. Why do you think we love to go on vacations so much? Is it because we like to escape from our daily routine? We get to sleep in. We aren't attached to our blackberries, I-Pad's, computer's? Maybe. Or maybe what it really boils down to is that we are tourists. And what do tourists do? They look to find the good in everything. They are there to enjoy, have a good time, get a tan. They aren't dissecting and tearing everything apart. So let us all try and have some of that tourist energy when we have our heads buried in our computers rushing to beat a deadline. When we are with our significant others and they are doing something that is so annoying you could scream, stop... take a breath... and remember you are a tourist. You look for the good. Or lets really step it up and now you are at the doctor's office and you have been given some news, really, really bad news. Now you ask how can I be a tourist in this situation? How can you not be? It has been proven that people with a positive mind and outlook can overcome the most difficult of situations. My own grandmother was given 6 months to live over 40 years ago. Everyone was terrified for she had the C. What did she do? She lived another 25 years and proved the doctor's wrong. How did she do it? Again, she chose to see the good in everything and by doing so all was good. She created her own reality. Was it a miracle? Yes it was. What miracle are you going to create today?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why check the farm?

Where on earth did you come up with the idea for Check the Farm? This is what people are asking me. I say "Where do I come with any idea's really?" But now there is a Check the Farm. We have given birth so to speak so lets be simple and concise and I will explain how it all came to be. Okay, facebookers, raise your hands. How many hours do you spend a day reading about your friends, searching for new friends and AHA playing that game, the most popular game on the web, Farmville? There are farmville fan clubs, groups, pages, and the list goes on and on. With a point and a click, voila, you can till your garden, feed the chickens and raise your barn. How fascinating that so many people are interested in farm life. Well maybe these same people might like to see a glimpse of "real farm life" sprinkled with a dash.... This is where youtube comes into play. Sprinkled with a dash of humor. How many of you love to watch funny cat videos? Inspiring dog videos? Or simply goofy videos all together? Sign me up. I will always re post or forward an e-mail of a video that either makes me laugh or cry. Isn't it nice to be sitting at your desk working hard and receive a video about a cat playing the piano A.K.A. "keyboard cat" that lets you escape for awhile before getting back to the daily grind? And the last ingredient, an essential one I might add is the farm itself. If you are going to do a show and call it check the farm you need a farm. This is where my family and friends were able to step up to the plate and give a hand. Now this has been the icing on the cake for I get to spend more time with them and I also get to be outdoors in nature which is always good for the soul. Have you ever seen an article written that advises you to stay out of nature for it could be dangerous to your health and overall mental well being? So farmville, youtube and my friends and family's farms and there you have it tada... check the farm. But what about the website, the editing, the promoting, setting up a company, the filming, etc., etc. Aaah well, Esteban and I have never done a web series so we just jumped in and said let have fun, hopefully make people laugh and at the same time learn a thing or two about farm life and most importantly TRY. Try something new. You may not be an expert but remember experts weren't born with the letter E etched on their forehead's. They worked it. We are working at it. We are a work in progress. Aren't we all a work in progress? How many of you don't try something new for you are afraid you won't be any good, people will judge you or you will FAIL. How can you fail if you try. So try. When I was a little girl my father used to say "Can't never did and can always tried" So be a can and see what you can do. See what is hidden inside of you. You never know until you try.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A horse is a horse, of course of course.

So I just came back from the ranch and I spent time with one of my favorite beings. Is he not perfection??? When I arrived he ran over to the fence like he usually does. I climbed in and rubbed my hands all over him. Mmm, he smells good. The other horses started to come around but he kept shooing them away, all except for his girlfriend, who he always lets get some sugar too. So the three of us were having one dandy of a time until a neighbor pulls up, one who is allergic to horses. Allergic to horses? What a curse! Thank you God for not giving me that one. Anyway, I climb out and go and do the neighborly thing which is visit. Mind you, I have known this man since I was born so we need not exchange false pleasantries but get right down to it. A pick-up drives by and we both wave, not knowing the person but that is what you do when you are in the country. We gibber-jabber for 10-15 minutes while my paint, my beautiful paint waits patiently by the fence watching me. All the other horses have gone back to grazing but not him. He waits. Patiently. Steadfastly. Giving my friend the evil eye as if to say gitte up and gitte out. My friend even comments on how he has his eyes glued on me, saying "I think he really likes you." Of course that does it and I cut the conversation short for I want to just be with my one and only, my paint. My friend leaves and I climb back in and sit down on the ground with my camera and shoot some video of my beautiful boy. He nibbles on my feet and hair and I laugh and giggle like a school girl. When was the last time I felt like that? What is about this horse that makes me so happy? And then it hits me like a bullet. The happiest moments in my life have been spent with horses. My earliest childhood memories are with my horses. And the flip side is that my most painful childhood memory is saying goodbye to some of them... Another bullet shoots out. HAPPINESS. Cha-ching. When was the last time you were blissfully happy? Now, as I roll around in the dirt talking to, I know... But he understands me and I understand him and how many people can you truly say that about? So for awhile, today, I tasted bliss. I can still smell the sweet perfumed aroma of my paint. A smell that is close to heaven. So what is your bliss? When is the last time you tasted a bit of heaven? Do yourself a favor and go out and grab it. I woke up this morning not knowing I would but I will tell you I am a lot happier for it. And tonight, when I put my head on my pillow I will have a fabulous fresh image to hold onto and cherish and all because I spent some time with a horse. Not just any horse mind you but that is what did it. I didn't win the lottery. I didn't receive some fabulous news. And no I didn't climb on the scale this morning and was miraculously 5 pounds lighter. All I had to do was a simple thing like spend time with a horse. Isn't always the simpliest things that make us the happiest?